Monday, February 3, 2014

7 Tips To Get Ripped Abs At Home Fast

Every guy I know wants to have a six pack. Whether they're super into fitness, or sit around playing computer games all day, most guys I know dream of taking of their shirt at a swimming pool and impressing their friends (particularly girls) with their nice toned abs. Of course I would know, I used to be one of those guys, and I can tell you firsthand, it does feel great having abs, and it's possible to do.

That's the problem, we all want abs, but a lot of us just don't know how to get there, and we are afraid of looking foolish, or we just don't want to pay an expensive gym membership. Well the good news is you don't need one! You can easily get abs at home, here are 7 tips that will help you get ripped abs, and you can do it from the safety of your home.

1. Cardio -
The key to abs isn't so much in training the abs (although that is important) it's in getting rid of the fat that covers up your abs. This means that you need some form of cardio, whether it's long distance running, walking, stair machine, elliptical, it's up to you. I find that the easiest, and most effective form of cardio to do at home is HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) works great, especially if you're trying to lose weight! I generally use it when I need to slim down, you can find free YouTube videos with some HIIT with a quick search, or you can get a program like Insanity, which is an extremely tough HIIT program.

2. Count Those Calories! -
Talk to almost any bodybuilder and they will teach you that abs are made in the kitchen. This means that you need to count your calories and eat properly so that you can lose weight. Counting calories is really easy these days, you can use free apps like I do such as My Fitness Pal. Just log away your calories and make sure you don't pass your limit, after a few weeks you'll start to lose weight, and see those abs poking out.

3. Core Work -
Well of course if you want abs you need to train them. Try to work out your whole core though so that you can get good results. I've found that doing things such as planks, side planks, and leg raises help me develop abs just as much as crunches. Use them together so that you can get the sculpted look that you're going for.

4. Don't Train Abs! -
Most of my buddies make this mistake at the beginning. They train their abs every day, why don't we want to do this? You run the risk of over training your abs, or heck, you could just get tired and burn yourself out. I generally train abs two to three times a week and they show just fine. Training abs every day is just a waste of energy, put that time towards your cardio and nutrition.

5. Yoga -
Yoga is an amazing way to build core strength, at first I hated yoga, I used to make fun of my friends who would go and do it. Now of course it's not required, plenty of people have abs who have never done yoga in their lives. But if you want good results I would definitely recommend it, it will work your whole core at a level that you probably aren't expecting.

6. Don't Give Up -
The worst thing you can do is give up. Don't worry about it! You probably won't see results within 1 week or 2. Building the body you want takes time, but trust me when I say it is worth it, so whatever you do, keep on working, you'll get there in the end.

7. Eat Your Veggies -
This one took me forever to master. If you really want a nice body you need to treat it nice, and that includes Veggies. By eating veggies you are ensuring that you will hit your caloric needs, and getting the amount of fiber that your body needs. This will result in your whole body functioning a lot better, and burning fat a little bit faster. Putting more veggies into my diet was the big thing that changed my body from average to super hero.

You don't need an expensive gym if you want to get a good body. Follow simple things such as good nutrition and exercise and you'll be able to get the body you want without spending a whole lot of money. Just keep the end goal in mind, try to imagine and think what your life would be like if you had the body you desire, keep that in your mind, let it motivate you, and then come back here and report as soon as you have that dream body.

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