Tuesday, January 21, 2014

10 Reasons Why You Suck At Losing Weight

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Alan Cleaver

Now that its the start of a new year most people are losing weight. I've talked to countless amounts of people who complain that it's impossible to lose weight, and that some people are just genetically gifted.

Hey I get it, I was just like you, I thought that some people were good looking and ripped, and others like me weren't so gifted. That is until I saw a friend make the change from overweight to looking amazing. My friend explained to me that most people just aren't doing the right things to lose weight, so today we are going to list 10 things that are keeping you from dropping the pounds.

1. You make up excuses -
This is a common one that I see all the time. People tell me all about their new resolve to lose weight and look good. Ten minutes later they're eating out at some fast food place telling me that they'll start tomorrow. A lot of people will just make up excuses, losing weight takes work, it takes dedication. If you can just learn how to get rid of the excuses, you'll be able to get some real work done, and I bet you'll be surprised at how quickly you can see results.

2. You don't follow a good diet -
I've been a victim to this one. You start working out, jogging, lifting weights, whatever floats your boat. But you don't change your diet, because you figure you don't have to. Sure maybe you'll lose a few pounds, but it will stagnate. In order to make real changes you need to change how you eat. This isn't as hard as it sounds though, a good free app like my fitness pal can make following a diet extremely easy.

3. You don't work out -
This is the opposite of number 2. Sure you can lose a lot of weight by just dieting, but if you workout you can gain a toned look that most people desire. Plus it can speed up your weight loss, as well as make you feel more healthy and comfortable. Working out doesn't have to be super tough, consider riding a bike or walking with some friends, working out isn't just for losing weight, it's also a key to being healthy.

4. You binge eat -
You fail a test, your boyfriend/girlfriend dumps you, your favorite character on Game of Thrones dies. Whatever the case, your stressed and depressed. So you order in some Domino's pizza, turn on a good movie, and forget about your diet. The next day you feel horrible for what you did, and so what do you do? You do it again! Recognizing early on what is going on is key to stopping yourself from binge eating, otherwise you'll end up falling into a nasty pattern that doesn't lead to any weight loss.

5. You get sick -
I hate this one, but it happens. You're doing great, you're working out, eating right, doing everything you're supposed to. After a few weeks suddenly you start feeling sick, you can't eat right, working out is impossible. After a few days you feel like you've lost all of the progress that you've made. Don't listen to yourself, you haven't lost all progress. Dust yourself off, get up, and start working out again, trust me, you'll be back to where you were in almost no time at all.

6. You give up -
This is one that I see a ton. You just give up, you decide it's too hard, and it's not worth it, it's okay, you're fine with the way you look and feel. Is this true? Or did you just feel depressed? Most people I know that give up, give up because they start comparing themselves to others. Don't do this, just progress and focus on hitting your personal goals. Try to keep in mind your overall goal, hang a motivational picture, or saying to keep yourself right on track. Trust me, your dream body is right around the corner.

7. You lie to yourself -
I see this one a lot to, people tell me they're following their diet, when they aren't really. Don't do this to yourself, don't lie, tell the truth, be honest about your progress. If you slipped and ate bad for a day, just admit it, and then move on. If you keep lying to yourself you won't see any progress.
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8. You follow a fad -
Fad diets are the worst, no those body wraps won't help you, and no that stupid pill that sheds fat away won't be the key to you losing weight. While there are some great programs out there, there are just as many fad stupid diets that don't work. My advice? Just count calories with an app like my fitness pal and workout with a program like p90x, these combinations have worked wonders for me.  Go with what already works, and stay away from these "lose 20 pounds doing nothing!" schemes.

9. You change your mind -
I've talked to people who are on "diets" only to find them running to Carls Junior the next day. "What happened?" I ask them, and they almost always respond that they've changed their mind. They don't need to worry about losing weight. Or that they've started a new workout program so they don't need to follow a diet. Don't be these people, you'll be stuck in the same spot forever.

10. You don't walk the walk -
I find that there are people who love to talk fitness, and people who love to do fitness. Usually the biggest difference is one actually watches their diet, and does the workouts, while the other one can talk about the latest fitness techniques to me until my ears fall off. Look, the latest greatest programs and research can be awesome, but it doesn't mean a thing unless you put it into practice. Do yourself a favor and walk the walk, go out there and put this stuff in practice.

Losing weight is actually pretty simple, just workout and follow a good diet. If you're not seeing results, chances are your skipping either your workouts, or your diet. So quit making excuses and start getting committed. If you feel like I missed anything feel free to tell me in the comment section below.

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