Tuesday, January 28, 2014

10 "Secrets" to Losing Weight Fast

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Losing weight isn't rocket science, once somebody understands that all you have to do is eat less than your maintenance calories, it gets pretty simple. So why is it that a month into our diets we usually stop? Or why don't we see results? Well today we are going to show you 10 little "secrets" that will show you how you can lose weight faster than you thought possible.

But first off I wanted to say, that these secrets aren't based around fad diets. They aren't based around special pills or wraps that don't do a thing but suck away your money. Instead we are going to go over things that work, I promise you that you'll see quick results if you actually put these tips into practice.

1. Make a deadline -
This is a big one as far as motivation goes. If you don't know where you are going, how do you know how to get there? Make a deadline for yourself, if you want it to, it can be weight. However, I usually like to track my progress with measurements. Choose a pant size you want to fit into, or a body fat percentage you want to hit. These are goals that are easy to track and easy to keep you motivated. After that all you have to do is select a date, that way you know exactly what you're aiming for.

2. Eat your veggies! -
This is a big one that used to always kill me. When I first started dieting I felt hungry all the time! That's until I learned that veggies are the best snack food in the world. Feel hungry? Grab some celery! Seriously, just following this one simple tip make a bigger difference then you could imagine. Veggies are the real difference that allowed my body to become nice and shredded.

3. Use photos - 
Tracking progress with weight alone is difficult. My weight fluctuates all the time, and while I can see it gradually go down over time, it can be a little frustrating. The easiest way to track progress is through measurements, photos, or body fat % by using calipers that you can get cheap at Wal-mart. This way you can really tell what kind of results you are getting. You will also notice that by using photos it's easier to stay motivated.

4. Keep a food journal -
Ugh this one used to kill me. Write down everything that you eat! How many calories it was, what kind of macro nutrients it had. Even if you eat junk food write it down. That's the hardest part for me, whenever I binge I feel guilty and I don't want to record it. Make sure you do though, it will teach you self discipline.

5. It's all mental -
A lot of fitness experts, models, and even bodybuilders talk about this. Make a mental picture of what you want to look like, and keep it. Picture it at least every night and remind yourself what your goal is. This is healthy, it keeps you alert and focused, plus it can help you avoid those terrible binges when you're feeling some junk food cravings.

6. Reward yourself -
No, not with junk food! Set up a system, if you hit your goal of the month go out and get a massage! Or go buy yourself some new clothes, do whatever will keep you motivated. I like to hang my motivations on the mirror, that way I can always remember what I'm looking forward to.

7. Keep at it -
Sometimes we slip up, don't worry about it, just keep on trying. I've slipped up, almost everyone has, the worst thing you can do after slipping up is giving up. Don't destroy all of the work you've done! Instead keep working hard and you'll see those results in the end. So don't get down on yourself, pick yourself back up and get back to work.

8. Don't snack -
Or should I say, don't eat midnight snacks! We've all read that you shouldn't eat 2 hours before going to bed. While the science behind this notion is still a little iffy, I've realized that if I eat late at night, I will generally go over my calories for the day. So instead I just try not to eat after a certain hour, or if I'm really hungry I'll just eat some celery.

9. Eat an elephant -
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. The same thing goes for your weight loss, take it one step at a time. Don't think that you're going to build your whole new body in one day, it will take some time. The good news is that by taking these small steps every day for just a few months, will give you some amazing results. So just keep at it, one day at a time.

10. Snack before you party -
Once I understood this principle life became a lot easier. When invited out to party with friends, make sure you eat a ton of veggies first. This way you'll be pretty full when you go, and you won't binge and pig out on pizza and french fries. By following this technique you'll be able to be social, and healthy at the same time.


Losing weight isn't difficult, it just takes hard work and consistency. There will come a day though that you will love eating healthily, and instead of being difficult, it will just be a lifestyle. Any other tips you want to share? Feel free to leave them below.

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